International Issues Discussion (IID) series talk on private codes and public culture


The International Issues Discussion (IID) series at Toronto Metropolitan University is proud to present its first talk of the Fall 2024 series: Private Codes As Public Culture”

Unfiltered politicians. Big Tech hacking our brains. Sex tapes. Alternative facts. The individual quest for ‘authenticity’. The global rise of authoritarians. These phenomena may look disparate. But they’re all symptomatic of what’s been called a crisis of authority. Who gets to say what about whom? About what? Who’s credible, and why?

Our guest will be Greg Kelly, Executive Producer of the CBC Radio program, IDEAS. He holds a PhD from Oxford University, and his work in both radio and television has earned over fifty national and international awards and distinctions. In 2006, Greg left the CBC for the US to create and lead a national daily current affairs program for NPR called The Story. In 2009, he moved again to assume the helm of the acclaimed Radio Netherlands Worldwide program, The State We’re In. His two television documentaries were nominated for Canadian Screen Awards, and have been aired around the world, as well as screened in front of live audiences in Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Paris, London, Bangkok, and Moscow. He returned to Canada in 2013 to lead IDEAS — where he’d made his first foray into broadcasting as a freelance contributor in 1989.

His talk will be held in-person on Wednesday, September 18th between 6:30 and 8:30 pm in ENG 103 (the Vari Engineering Building, 245 Church Street, Toronto). Attendance is free and everyone is welcome.  

Founded in 2005, the IID is a non-partisan, student-led forum designed to engage all members of the TMU community on major events and issues in contemporary global affairs through reasoned, objective, and scholarly discourse. For further details about the IID and our series please see  or contact the IID student leaders at  

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