HIS 696 – A History of Terrorism


“The War on Terror” has become a hallmark of the contemporary international order. 9/11, the Bali bombings, 7/7, the Charlie Hebdo murders, the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, and many more incidents have become imbedded in our collective memories as symbols of a “new” global threat. Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, ISIS, and “the far right” have become terms in the common vernacular. Indeed, in many respects, both the realities and perceptions of terrorism affect the everyday lives of billions of people. But is it all really anything new?  Contrary to popular belief, terrorism has always been part of the international polity. From the terror cimbricus of ancient Rome, to the ?ashsh?sh?n of the Fatimid Empire, to the anarchists of 19th century Russia: world history is littered with “terrorists.” But while we have used the word for more than two millennia, defining terrorism in any objective and universally agreed fashion has proven near impossible. This course will explore some of the many dimensions of global terrorism. Beginning with definitions, we will trace the development of terror as a political tool from the ancient world to the 21st century: covering the cultural, religious, and ideological dimensions of some of the best – and least – known “terrorists” in history.  Examining terrorism as a contentious and subjective term throughout, this course offers an historical perspective with focus on the origins, structure, and dynamics of terrorism as an instrument of both state and non-state actors, as well as corresponding counter-terrorism strategies. Particular attention is on the 19th and 20th centuries, however we will also address terrorism in the current international order looking at groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS, continuing state-sponsored violence, the “lone wolf” phenomenon, and the many faces of so-called “homegrown” extremism.

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