

Arne’s publications include Culture and Customs of Laos (2009), Culture and Customs of Thailand (2004), and The Uneasy Century: International Relations 1900-1990 with Margaret MacMillan (1996). He has also contributed to other books such as The Oxford Handbook of Intelligence (2010), John F. Kennedy and The Thousand Days: International Perspectives on the Foreign and Domestic Policies of the Kennedy Administration (2007), Global Perspectives on the United States: Ideas and Issues Shaping International Relations (2007), Trans-Pacific Relations: America, Europe, and Asia in the 20th Century (2003) and America, The Vietnam War and the World: Comparative and International Perspectives (2003). He has also authored numerous journal and encyclopaedic articles on a wide array of topics in modern diplomatic history and international relations. He is currently finishing a two-book set on the history of modern international relations for the University of Toronto Press.

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Dr. Kislenko